Out of the Office

Every Monday (as far as I know) since the middle of May 2017 has had a new post.
Not this Monday.

I have typically had 4 to 7 posts in the can. 

When I write a post I hand write it. A day or so later I type it.  And then I copy and paste it onto the website and read it.  I then schedule the post a few weeks down the road and re-read it just ahead of publishing.

I fell severely behind though.

Between November sweeps, Christmas shopping, family illnesses, and a new work schedule, I actually ran out of stories.

As of this typing, I have one hand written.  I am going to have to step back a few weeks and get ahead and get back into the habit of writing with a frequency. 

I am certainly not out of content.  I have barely touched on my college years or working in Television.  I have 2 or 3 more parts to the courtship of my wife.  I am very early in my fictional series (The Man on the Ladder).

I will be back to posting within a few weeks.  And will try to keep up, though February sweeps is just around the corner.
