One Year

Wow.  I actually stuck to this for a year!

78,084 words typed
312 pages if they were published as a book
120 pages typed in Word
64 posts
62 posts that were new with actual content
44 biographical posts
10 essays
5 parts to my fiction series  Man on the Ladder
4 rants
3 notebooks filled

All from my heart and honest.  I hesitate to say all the truth.  Because it's my truth.  Most of these are stories from over 20 years ago. Not only are they from my point view when there are several points of view, but they are seen through the haze of memory.

A lot of my earlier posts have more "salty" language.  I don't want to say I have become more dispassionate as this project has progressed, but I have certainly toned it down a bit.  Less rated R and more closer to PG13.  The earlier stories also have been stories I have been telling for years and years.  My earlier days found me to be less restrained.

I doubt the next 12 months will see me writing 65 posts.  I started this with many clear ideas in the bag and ready to write, just needing a polishing.  I do have ideas ready to go with, I just need to do them at the right time.  I will certainly write more often about recent stuff, well, at least more stuff from this century.

I also have seen less time to dedicate to writing due to the change in my work schedule that started in September.  But I will try to write at least one post a week.  That will be my goal.  This will come at the sacrifice at reading though.  That's too bad, but I gotta prioritize.  And I think I'd rather write these little stories and read less than read more and write none at all.

Here's to a new (can't say year can I?) twelve month period.  Life is good.


My mom, sister and me.  I was about 1 and a half. 1983.
