Get it Right, Dad

You have to get things just right with my three-year-old Willem or he will correct you.

Every work day I drop him off at Grandma and Grandpa's house in the morning.  I say to him, "Are we going to go see Grandpa?"

"Yes daddy!"

"Are we going to go see Grandma?"

And, almost crying but definitely annoyed, he says, "No daddy! Grandma is asleep, we are going to see Grandpa."  And he is correct.  90% of the time Grandma is asleep and Grandpa is sitting at the dining table waiting on us, drinking coffee. 

Willem loved to brag about eating his first hamburger.  Usually if we go out he has to eat chicken.  And his standby at home is soup.  But he finally tried out a hamburger.  The next day he kept telling me, his mom, his grandparents, his brother that, "I eat booger!"

It was one of those things that was so funny I let him say it and I'd explain afterwords he meant burger.  But after a few more days I corrected him and he picked up on it right away.  But it also was so cute.  I'd say to him in front of others, "Willem, you eat boogers?"

"No daddy!  It's BURGER, not BOOGER."

Unlike when I mistakenly asked "Are we going to see grandma," he's not upset.  He is simply correcting my silly mistake.

