Photographer's Regret

So I was home watching Julian when he was probably four years old.  Mom wasn't there.  And I maybe wasn't doing the best job watching him.  I think I was in my bedroom.  Maybe I was watching TV in there.  Julian was in the living room, or his bedroom maybe?  Or so I thought.

"Dad!  Dad!  Help me!!!!!"  it was bloody murder coming from our dining room.  I got up and ran over there and I saw something odd.  There are times as parents where you feel guilty for seeing your child in such distress, but you also want to laugh at the absurdity of whatever situation your little tyke got himself into.

Julian was stuck.

In a chair.

His head had gotten stuck in a chair similar to the ones seen above.  He managed, for whatever reason I cannot fathom, to put his head between the seat of the chair and the back.  I guess maybe he was trying to climb into it from behind?

I grabbed my only child (at the time he didn't have a brother yet), held him still.  I carefully turned his head sideways and pulled him out.  His face was bright red, he was so wet from sweat, and his cheeks were puffy from crying.  He was okay.

A few minutes later I was laughing and he wanted to know why?  I didn't tell him but he was oh so briefly stupid.  After a moment Julian knew why I laughed and that just ticked him off.

My big regret in this situation?  Knowing that he was okay, of course.  My regret was that I didn't take a moment to grab my phone to take a picture.  It would have been awesome.  Of course, it would have been deserving of intense ridicule, but it would have been worth it.

Dad of the year, I know.  But my kid was okay!  And you know what?  He never got his head stuck in a chair again!

