
Big brother asked, wasn't asked to, hold little brother's hand.  He emphasized with his fear and confusion during his echo-cardiogram.  He comforted just as much as mamma did.

As you look in the news-feed of whatever social media you use (or listen to talk radio, or watch cable news) and as a woman you see you aren't pretty enough, or as a man you see you aren't manly enough, or as a liberal you don't love the country enough, or as a conservative you aren't tolerant enough, or as whatever you are you are the cause of all of somebody else's problems...

Know that there is pure goodness out there.  At some base level LOVE is the answer to just about all ills. 

So much division is out there, so much tit-for-tat.  So many people trying to be clever and funny to put one over on somebody, or to try and slyly put somebody down.  What makes us the same?  The answer to that should make unity easy.  Look inward.  Look outward. 

Two brothers that fight just about as often as they get along.  That didn't matter.  Taking care of each other did.  You don't have to be a kid to help each other out.  You don't have to be a kid to be grown up.  You just have to be human. 

And yes, Julian pointed out to us that we violated the clearly posted no phones rule after the picture was taken. 
