The Greatest Evil 15

Once again, on a rare occasion, the great hall had been converted into a war room.  Several maps were laid out on the table and only Ganesh, Valla, Crom and Aparthie are present.  Valla told them all with authority, “My Lords, our scouts have reported rumors of several of the Ishmael men gathering in the cave complexes in the mountains.  We are assembling an elite force of our fiercest warriors to send against these wretched pigs.  You must            lead these men, Crom.  They would follow you to the gates of Niflheim and beyond.”  Valla was getting old and was no longer useful in battle but was still wise in strategy.
                Agreeing with Valla’s recommendation, Ganesh added, “They will need your strength and prowess, Crom.  We dare not send a larger force, for they will surely be detected.  Stealth and the quick kill are desirable for this mission.”
                Crom was excited.  Rare was the occasion that he had to prove his abilities in the field, “I will lead these brave warriors into battle.  Fear not, the threat to the kingdom will be eliminated.”  The glee in his eyes shone so bright the sun was jealous that day.
                The three men clasped hands and Valla explained, “Good.  Preparations must be made.  This is the location that the scouts reports point to.”  His finger touched a spot on the map to the north in the Kismet mountain region.
                Aparthie stood quietly behind the men, she rubbed Crom’s shoulders.  He did not even notice.  Aparthie was practically invisible to Crom.  She could not even remember the last time that the two shared a conversation that did not pertain to her ability to bare children.  She was sad, but as long as she had love to hold onto, she was okay. 


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