The Greatest Evil 20

There was no dragon on the stern.  No valkarie.  Not even a snail shaped curl.  It was a skull.  A mysterious ship was approaching their vessel and it had a skull on its stern.  There had been rumors of such a ship sailing the seas and it was bad news for the merchants.  They were no warriors.  They were sellers of goods such as furs and clubbed seals.  The ships all banded together and the men nervously clutched their swords and axes as they braced for the imminent attack.  They were not excited about battling Gunnbjörn the Slayer but Viking code forbade them from retreating.  If they were meant to die that day, it was out of their hands.  There was nothing that they could do.  Dieing in battle was a good death.  As the Slayer’s dragon boat drew near, it suddenly stopped.  It was about 100 yards away.  The merchants were relieved.  Perhaps their numbers intimidated Gunnbjörn and his men.  They took a deep breath in unison and anxiously awaited the Slayer’s next move.  Near an hour had passed and nothing happened.  Gunnbjörn’s ship began turning around.  It seemed that he was retreating.  Could it be?  The Slayer was running away from a battle that he had instigated?  There was a commotion on one of the boats.  Gunnbjörn had swum 100 yards in freezing water.  By time the merchants had realized this, Gunnbjörn’s ship was coming right at them, full speed—backwards.  This was an easy maneuver with a dragon boat.  While his ship was coming, Gunnbjörn was flaying people left and right, showing no signs of exposure to the sub-zero waters.  He sliced men as they came at him in every direction.  He had single handedly cleaned one ship himself by time his reinforcements arrived.  Needless to say, the merchants were easily defeated.
                The Slayer would destroy a dozen such ships over the next couple months.  Terror was instilled to all seafarers in the Ganesh’s Norway.  The rumor of Gunnbjörn siding with Strom was apparently true.  This was no longer a little rebellion, it was a nightmare.


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