What's up with Cow tipping?

Ah cow tipping, the age-old rural activity that originated way back when. For centuries our agrarian ancestors had passed the time by knocking the lesser bovine over to get their jollies. By now though, just about everybody knows it's nonsense. A bunch of Hooey.  But there was a time when I felt it was true, nay I knew it was true.

 I grew up in Bonham. A small town in Northeast Texas near the bustling metropolises of Gober, Mulberry, and yes,  Bug Tussle. A small town indeed. Rural Texas. And I had friends and family that lived even further out in the sticks, the boonies if you will. And for as long as I can remember there was talk of cow tipping. Just as prevalent as throwing cow chips. But did anybody ever actually do it? It was always somebody that knew somebody that knew somebody that knocked over a cow. And come to think of it, while I don't doubt ever talking about it growing up, I don't have any specific memories of any specific person discussing it. It was just always a thing and Hollywood certainly picked up on it.  Having shown the act in numerous movies and tv shows, it had to be real.
